Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Partition book nears!

Good afternoon to you all,

I hope that you're enjoying your summer, wherever you are! Certainly, in this part of the world anyway, the weather could be better..

Anyway, I thought I would update you in relation to the status of the work and what will be happening over the coming months.

I suppose the first thing to tell you is that the work has been completed! Just a few weeks ago infact. This pleased me greatly as it showed that my initial timeline was pretty much bang on and at the end of this timeline I felt that I had achieved the desired amount of images.  And that desired amount increased somewhat from the initial estimate of approximately 65 to nearer 80 - and that's with a slight cull of some pieces of work.  The final amount of photographs taken will be approximately 90 and I am hoping to release the remainder of these unused images via a free download at the end of the project.

The last trip to complete the project was one of the most positive yet.  These were taken near to the 12th of July celebrations for many.  So often a time for conflict and aggression by some, however this was by far the quietest year I can remember.  Coupled with the wonderfully refreshing outlooks from persons that I was least expecting of, I am hugely proud of the direction Northern Ireland is going in.

Anyway, I'll share here a couple of new pieces...

With the completion of the actual imagery, this allows me to focus on the next objective - the book.  I had previously announced that I would have been working with Triplekite Publishing in relation to the printing of this book, however due to logistical and time frame issues, I have had to alter the publishers for this book.  Although I certainly hope to work with Triplekite again in the future, I am very happy to announce that I will now be collaborating with the Kozu Books who are based near to Bath, England.

Greg Stewart - who owns and runs Kozu - and I worked together last year in bringing the first of a continuing range of small, affordable natural landscape books.  It was a thoroughly enjoyable process from start to finish, and one that I would encourage everyone to take part in if given the opportunity, However, it would be fair to say that 'Partition' will be the largest project yet for both of us.  Not only are the physical dimensions and quantities of the book going to be larger, but the importance of the book to current affairs is large too.

The plan for the book has been discussed and largely agreed upon, but this remains a fluid situation, where consultation between ourselves and others remains a constant factor.  However, it would be fair to say, that we are both on exactly the same wavelength and are very excited about what we are bringing.

The short term plans will certain upon logistics although a December release is still the date for everyone to note!  Further updates will appear between now and then and will also become more frequent.

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate about getting in touch.

Kind regards
